સાવધાન : રસોઈ બનાવવાની આ આદતને કારણે કેન્સરનું જોખમ વધી રહ્યું છે, મોટાભાગના લોકો રોજ કરે છે આ મોટી ભૂલ, શું છે એ જાણીએ
આપણે બધા ખોરાક રાંધવાની રીતમાં આવી ઘણી બધી ભૂલો કરતા રહીએ છીએ જે આપણા સ્વાસ્થ્ય માટે ગંભીર સમસ્યાઓનું કારણ બની શકે છે, આ ભૂલ એટલી ગંભીર છે કે તે કેન્સર જેવા જીવલેણ રોગના વિકાસ તરફ દોરી શકે છે.
શરીરને સ્વસ્થ રાખવા માટે પૌષ્ટિક ખોરાકનું સેવન સુનિશ્ચિત કરવાની સાથે સાથે ભોજનની રસોઈ અને જાળવણી પર ધ્યાન આપવું ખૂબ જ જરૂરી માનવામાં આવે છે. ઘણી વખત આપણે બધા ખોરાક રાંધવાની રીતમાં આવી ઘણી બધી ભૂલો કરતા રહીએ છીએ જે આપણા સ્વાસ્થ્ય માટે ગંભીર સમસ્યાઓનું કારણ બની શકે છે, એટલી ગંભીર છે કે તે કેન્સર જેવા જીવલેણ રોગના વિકાસ તરફ દોરી શકે છે.
ખાદ્યતેલનો ખોટો ઉપયોગ એ આવી જ એક ગંભીર સમસ્યા છે. મોટા ભાગના ઘરોમાં પુરી-પકોડા જેવી ડીપ-ફ્રાય વસ્તુઓ બનાવ્યા પછી બચેલું તેલ ફરીથી વાપરવા માટે સાચવવામાં આવે છે, પરંતુ શું તમે જાણો છો કે તમારી આ આદત આખા પરિવાર માટે મોટી અને ગંભીર સ્વાસ્થ્ય સમસ્યાઓનું કારણ બની શકે છે?
અભ્યાસમાં જાણવા મળ્યું છે કે, ખાદ્ય તેલને વારંવાર ગરમ કરવું એ કેન્સરની વૃદ્ધિનું એક મુખ્ય કારણ છે. પ્રથમ, તે શરીરમાં ફ્રી-રેડીકલ્સને પ્રોત્સાહન આપે છે, જે એક એવી સ્થિતિ છે જે બળતરા પેદા કરીને ઘણા ગંભીર રોગોને ઉત્તેજિત કરે છે અને બીજું, તેલને વારંવાર ગરમ કરવાથી ઉત્પન્ન થતા ધુમાડામાં સિગારેટના ધુમાડા જેવા હાનિકારક પદાર્થો હોય છે, કારણ કે નુકસાન થઈ શકે છે. ચાલો આગળના અભ્યાસના આધારે આને વિગતવાર સમજીએ.
FSSAI શું કહે છે?
ફૂડ સેફ્ટી એન્ડ સ્ટાન્ડર્ડ ઓથોરિટી ઓફ ઈન્ડિયા (FSSAI) અનુસાર, રસોઈ તેલને ફરીથી ગરમ કરવાથી તેમાંથી ઘણા ઝેરી તત્વો દૂર થાય છે, સાથે જ શરીરમાં ફ્રી રેડિકલમાં વધારો થાય છે, જેના કારણે બળતરા અને અનેક પ્રકારના ક્રોનિક રોગો થઈ શકે છે. FSSAI ની માર્ગદર્શિકા મુજબ, તેલનો ઉપયોગ ફક્ત એક જ વાર કરવો જોઈએ. બાકીનું તેલ ફરી ગરમ કરવું શરીર માટે ખૂબ જ નુકસાનકારક સાબિત થઈ શકે છે. તેને ઝડપથી વધતા બળતરા રોગોના પરિબળ તરીકે પણ જોવામાં આવે છે.
અભ્યાસમાં શું મળ્યું?
એ જ રીતે, નેશનલ લેબોરેટરી ઑફ મેડિસિનમાં પ્રકાશિત થયેલા અભ્યાસમાં, સંશોધકોએ અહેવાલ આપ્યો છે કે, રસોઈ માટે વનસ્પતિ તેલને વારંવાર ગરમ કરવું એ વિશ્વભરમાં ખૂબ જ સામાન્ય પ્રથા છે. રસોઈ તેલ (RCO)ને વારંવાર ગરમ કરવાથી પોલિસાયક્લિક એરોમેટિક હાઇડ્રોકાર્બન્સ (PAHs) સહિત વિવિધ સંયોજનો ઉત્પન્ન થાય છે, જેમાંથી કેટલાકને કાર્સિનોજેનિક તરીકે વર્ગીકૃત કરવામાં આવે છે. કાર્સિનોજેનિક એ કાર્સિનોજેનિક પરિબળોની શ્રેણી છે.
આ પ્રકારની પ્રેક્ટિસ ટાળવી જોઈએ, સામાન્ય રીતે આપણે બધા તેના પર વધુ ધ્યાન આપતા નથી પરંતુ તે ગંભીર સ્વાસ્થ્ય સમસ્યાઓનું જોખમ લઈ શકે છે.
હૃદય રોગની સમસ્યા વધી શકે છે
સંશોધકોએ જોયું કે જ્યારે તેલનો ફરીથી ઉપયોગ કરવામાં આવે છે, ત્યારે તેમાં ટ્રાન્સ ફેટી એસિડનું પ્રમાણ વધી જાય છે. તેલમાં હાજર અમુક પ્રકારની ચરબી, જ્યારે ઊંચા તાપમાને ગરમ થાય છે, ત્યારે ટ્રાન્સ ચરબીમાં ફેરવાય છે. ટ્રાન્સ ચરબીને બિનઆરોગ્યપ્રદ ગણવામાં આવે છે, જેમાં કોલેસ્ટ્રોલ વધવાનું જોખમ વધારે હોય છે. આ સ્થિતિ હૃદય રોગનું જોખમ પણ વધારી શકે છે. દરેક વ્યક્તિએ આ બાબતે સાવચેત રહેવું જોઈએ.
કેન્સરનું જોખમ
રસોઈના તેલને વારંવાર ગરમ કરવાથી પોલિસાયક્લિક એરોમેટિક હાઇડ્રોકાર્બન (PAHs) અને એલ્ડીહાઇડ્સ જેવા કાર્સિનોજેનિક પદાર્થોની માત્રામાં વધારો થાય છે, જે શરીરમાં બળતરા અને કેન્સરની સમસ્યાઓ વધારવા માટે જાણીતા છે. તેલના પુનઃઉપયોગ અંગે કાળજી લેવી જોઈએ. આ જ કારણ છે કે સ્વાસ્થ્ય નિષ્ણાતો ઘણીવાર તમામ લોકોને બહારની વસ્તુઓનું ઓછું સેવન કરવાની સલાહ આપે છે. ઘરમાં ભોજન બનાવતી વખતે પણ આ બાબતોનું ખાસ ધ્યાન રાખો.
How to Get Rid of Nasolabial Folds
Nasolabial folds, often referred to as “marionette lines,” are vertical creases that run from
the corners of the mouth towards the sides of the nose.
These lines can contribute to a tired or aged appearance.
While they can be influenced by genetics and environmental factors like sun exposure,
there are various treatments available to address them.
### Causes
– **Aging:** Loss of skin elasticity due to aging.
– **Genetics:** Inherited traits that may make certain individuals more prone to developing nasolabial folds.
– **Environmental Factors:** UV exposure from sunlight can damage collagen and elastin, contributing to the formation of these lines.
### Non-Invasive Treatments
1. **Facial Exercises:**
– Puffing cheeks and holding while keeping the mouth relaxed may help strengthen muscles around
the folds.
2. **Injectables:**
– **Botox or Dysport:** These neuromuscular agents can relax the muscles causing the creases, smoothing the appearance.
While not surgical, they require injections.
### Surgical Options
1. **Facelift Surgery:**
– A minimally invasive procedure that removes excess skin and tightens muscles, providing a
more dramatic reduction in nasolabial folds.
2. **Liposuction:**
– Targets fat deposits contributing to the folds, though it may require more extensive
### Lifestyle Considerations
– **Hydration:** Proper hydration and moisturizing
can improve skin elasticity.
– **Sunscreen:** Essential for protecting against UV damage that worsens nasolabial folds.
– **Diet:** A diet rich in antioxidants and avoidance of high sugar intake can help reduce
glycation, which affects collagen.
### Home Remedies
– **Topical Treatments:** Retinols or Vitamin C
may aid in improving skin elasticity over time.
### Considerations
– **Effectiveness:** While facial exercises can offer slight improvements, they
are often most effective when combined with other treatments
like Botox.
– **Patient Goals:** Quick fixes without surgery might favor Botox or Dysport.
For more permanent solutions, surgical options or longer-lasting injectables may be preferable.
By understanding these options and their potential outcomes, individuals can make informed decisions tailored to their specific needs and lifestyle preferences.
How to Get Rid of Nasolabial Folds
Nasolabial folds, often referred to as “eye bags” or “cigarette lines,”
are the creases that appear below the eyes, giving the illusion of tiredness or age.
While they can be a common part of aging, many people seek ways to minimize or eliminate these folds for a more youthful appearance.
Here’s how you can address them effectively.
Understanding what nasolabial folds are is the first step toward managing them.
These folds are primarily caused by fat pockets beneath the eye muscles, which
can become visible as skin loses its elasticity over time.
Genetic predisposition and environmental factors like
stress, poor sleep habits, or sun exposure can exacerbate their appearance.
How to Get Rid of Nasolabial Folds
Addressing nasolabial folds requires a combination of lifestyle changes
and targeted skincare. Here are some effective approaches:
What Are Nasolabial Folds?
Nasolabial folds, also known as “malar bags,” are the deep creases that form below
the eyes. They develop due to fat accumulation beneath the orbital bone
and can be influenced by factors like aging, genetics,
and lifestyle.
What Changes Occur That Results in Nasolabial Folds?
As we age, skin loses its elasticity and density. Fat distribution under the eyes can become more pronounced, leading to the
formation of nasolabial folds. Poor sleep quality, dehydration,
and smoking can accelerate this process.
How to Prevent Nasolabial Folds
Prevention is key to minimizing these folds. adopting a healthy lifestyle and maintaining good skincare
habits can help:
Stay Hydrated: drink plenty of water to keep skin plump and prevent dehydration.
Sleep Well: adequate sleep helps reduce puffiness and promotes elasticity in the skin.
Avoid Smoking: smoking reduces blood flow to the skin and
accelerates aging.
Use Sunscreen: UV exposure can contribute to skin aging and wrinkle formation.
How To Treat Nasolabial Folds
While prevention is ideal, treatments are available for those looking
to reduce existing folds. Here are some options:
Hydration and Moisturizing: keeping the skin well-hydrated
can help plump the area under the eyes.
Eye Creams: products containing ingredients like caffeine or
peptides can reduce puffiness and improve elasticity.
Botox or Fillers: medical treatments like botox can help relax
the muscles causing the folds, while fillers
can add volume to smooth them out.
The Best Products for Nasolabial Folds
When choosing products to address nasolabial folds, look for
ingredients that promote elasticity and hydration. Some popular options include:
Carrot & Stick: their “Lift” eye cream is formulated with
peptides to help reduce puffiness and improve skin texture.
Formulyst: offers products like the “Eyes De-Puffing Serum” which helps minimize the
appearance of dark circles and creases.
Here are our top recommendations for products that can help address nasolabial folds:
Carrot & Stick – Lift Eye Cream
A gentle yet effective eye cream infused with peptides to reduce puffiness and promote a smoother, more youthful appearance.
Formulyst – Eyes De-Puffing Serum
Contains natural ingredients like algae extract to help minimize dark circles and reduce the visibility of nasolabial folds.
Recommended Articles
For more insights into skin care and treatments, check out these articles:
The Best Skincare Products of 2024
Best Skin Care Routine
Also visit my blog post – why steroids are good (http://www.summerband.Co.kr)
Take 5 grams of creatine per day, after your workout on coaching days and with a meal on rest days. Adding it to a post-workout protein shake is a superb way to remember to take it. Training each different day is a good way to each stimulate your muscles over the entire week and to allow them enough restoration between exercises. Working out on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays gives you the weekend free, however plan your coaching week round your own life and schedule. You can split your physique into several coaching periods where you prepare a few muscle groups every exercise, or you’ll be able to train your whole physique each workout.
You don’t should let the bar come to an entire cease on your chest like a powerlifter, but be certain to lower the bar with management and don’t bounce it off your chest to get it up again. You might have the flexibility to deal with extra weight on the bar, but you’re using momentum and leverage to lift it. Keep it beneath management and press the bar upwards using your muscle power to complete the raise. The barbell squat is the most popular and likely the most effective exercise to enhance total athletic efficiency, no matter sport. It’s also a aggressive lift in powerlifting, a fantastic bodybuilding exercise for decrease physique development, and the primary exercise in Bodybuilding for Newbies.
Again then, bodybuilding was an artwork and as properly as a science. Golden Era bodybuilders strived for physical perfection. That meant having the excellent blend of muscle measurement, symmetry, balance, and definition. The 1970’s bodybuilders had some of the best physiques of all time. Throughout this Golden Period of bodybuilding individuals like Frank Zane, Mike Mentzer, Franco Columbu, Lou Ferrigno, Serge Nebret and Arnold Schwarzenegger reigned supreme. Our subsequent train choice works the posterior chain, specializing in the hinge movement sample with this carry.
Since you’ll be doing fewer exercises in your exercise it’s finest to stick with compound movements. This means you’ll be working more muscles (more ‘bang on your buck’ kind of thing). Keep in touch and update your progress in your social profile and tag us. If you could have any doubts or questions on our 4 day intermediate full body exercise routine for mass be at liberty to contact us, we are here that will assist you. The first is a reduction within the risk of “repetitive stress” accidents.
In order to bulk on a 3-day break up, you should have a caloric excess of no much less than 500 energy per day which might translate to 1 pound gained per week. Not many execs out there use the 3-day break up for one cause. That’s as a end result of they do longer cut up exercises (5-6 days long), instead of 3.
Don’t consider this as an easy week, as I do have you working heavier than you probably did last week. If you don’t enable your body to get well from the work you’ve accomplished, then you’ll make no further progress. In this article, you’ll have the flexibility to see the programming for the primary 4 weeks. I will do follow up articles which shall be linked at the backside for the second and third elements, as quickly as I end them. They’ll be released in the coming months, so I’d recommend signing up for my mailing list beneath, so that you don’t need to keep checking in.
In fact, that’s what my Hardcore Muscle Building Program is predicated on. And that’s the key to building extra muscle and getting a extra defined physique. When you pre-exhaust the muscle it forces that muscle to work harder. When that muscle is pre-fatigued it forces you to concentrate extra on that individual muscle to move the weight quite than mindlessly moving weight from level A to B. But one method to make a change to your routine is to do cardio first. This works nice if you’re doing reasonable cardio for longer durations such as strolling on the treadmill or elliptical at a gentle tempo for half-hour or more.
As lengthy as you eat a varied diet primarily based mainly on unrefined foods, avoiding or decreasing refined and ultra-processed choices, you in all probability don’t have to fret an extreme amount of about it. It’s necessary you prepare your entire physique to keep away from imbalances and to develop all your major muscle groups. It’s the basic principle to achieve muscle for each younger and old. If you need to be on the protected facet, be happy to seek the advice of your doctor before hitting the weights.
That being mentioned, supplements will assist you to improve muscle achieve via their anabolic properties. Lastly, you will notice a “Negative set” tag beneath the name of an train in the exercise program where I have recommended doing unfavorable units Unfavorable units are often done as a final set. While most conventional exercises plans follows a weekly cut up where you prepare every muscle once per week (the infamous bro split). If you discover that you are able to do eight reps with 20lbs, however the final 2 units are cheated, then lower the weight. The final thing that you just need to occur is for you to injure your self throughout a workout. Firstly, what works for one individual, might not necessarily work for another.
Any movement that pulls the underside of the arm down and towards the torso will preferentially work the lats. The honest answer is that outcomes will vary from person to person with differing phases and levels of ability and experience. There’s no want so that you can be on a perfect food plan, but simply just keep in mind to are not over indulging on junk meals. When substituting exercises make sure that you follow the (Mass) and (Isolated) markers. For example, you swap your Bench Press (Mass) for Decline Bench Press (Mass). Somewhat than Bench Press (Mass) for Cable Flyes (Isolated).
This means, you’re making better use of your inter-set rest intervals by doing one other train. You won’t need as a lot rest between single-joint exercises, such as dumbbell curls, lateral raises and pressdowns. So ensure to keep a training diary, write down your numbers, and all the time try to beat your earlier workout ultimately. The dumbbell hammer curl is done along with your thumbs up and palms going through each other like you’re holding a hammer. Doing the exercise this way, quite than with your palms facing up, still hits the biceps, however brings the brachialis, one other muscle in your upper arm, into play.
Partials make a wonderful finisher whenever you can’t do extra full reps but wish to fully exhaust the muscle. I recommend you practice to failure a few of the time but not all the time. That method, you get the potential benefits however avoid burnout. Do too many, and you may even enter overtraining territory. You’re doing more than your physique can handle, and your results begin to suffer. The more often this course of occurs, the larger your muscle tissue will develop. Lifting weights helps to set off greater launch of testosterone by slapping your mind across the face, forcing it to hurry up hormone manufacturing.
A full physique routine can be adapted to be an effective exercise plan for any fitness stage. Full-body weight coaching is the ideal sort of coaching plan for a beginner stage of expertise up to advanced. As A Outcome Of you’re training every muscle group each training session, full physique exercise packages should be carried out 3 days a week. You’ll also find a coaching program aptly referred to as Bodybuilding for Hardgainers in our exercise log app.
You deserve this day with out work, make certain to eat proper and rest. If you are sore from the day earlier than, massage and stretch these sore muscles. If you are not sore, then consider using heavier weight subsequent time. You’ve probably realized there’s no room for recovery throughout this 7-day exercise plan. Examine out this 12-week muscle constructing program for newbies information for much less skilled guys desirous to get jacked.
Nonetheless, those listed above are the ones that may both directly allow you to construct muscle or ensure you don’t get too little of something you should get good results. These are supplements providing a lot of the important micronutrients – vitamins and minerals – in a single handy bundle. Many of these are crucial in your muscle tissue, but don’t expect a multivitamin/mineral tablet to be your key to muscle progress. You don’t need to get too little of any of the nutritional vitamins and minerals you want for a robust and wholesome physique. Older people typically have low-level persistent inflammations present. Something that helps take care of these, like omega-3s, lets you achieve muscle extra effectively.64 Anti-inflammatory drugs do the job however bring potential side-effects on the identical time.
Let’s look at how you must eat in the course of the off-season when primarily going for muscle progress first. As a general rule of thumb, the remaining period between units must be long enough to permit for recovery however not so long that it hinders the workout’s depth. Once you cross the “optimal training quantity,” adding much more units results in diminishing returns. Coaching volume is probably certainly one of the main drivers of muscle development, together with progressive overload. Splitting these 30 units into two or extra training classes would allow you to go all-out every set. Strive doing a 30-set leg session and sustaining focus and intensity to the end. You’ll doubtless be too exhausted over the last quarter of the workout to give it your all.
For instance, on Monday carry out Workout A, on Wednesday carry out Exercise B and Friday Perform Exercise A. Take two days of relaxation and start off the following Monday with exercise B. For our pull movement compound exercise we’re going to be specializing in the Barbell Row. I’d like you to maintain the rep range for these bent-over barbell rows on the higher side, round 10 – 15 reps to avoid heaving the load with unhealthy kind to keep away from danger of harm. I don’t write an entire lot about dietary supplements as a result of, for essentially the most half, they really aren’t that massive of a help for constructing muscle mass. There is powerful evidence that creatine might help improve muscle mass, and it’s safe for most folk.
However, you can do things like compelled negatives, which emphasize eccentric loading, to create more damage too. I don’t want to provide the impression that quantity is the one variable that will construct muscle mass. This research paper highlights that there are three variables that mediate your bodies’ capacity to construct muscle mass. Most analysis research are accomplished on of us that don’t have long term muscle building objectives, so we have to take this recommendation with a grain of salt. This suggestion is most likely the lowest quantity of volume that can yield good outcomes.
This exercise is best in case you have limited time like most people, and have a need to gain mass and power in a quantity of quick weeks. So people who follow this train of thought will have a tendency to determine on these forms of splits, whether they be 3, 4 or 5 days, for their bulking cycles. Bodybuilders, powerlifters and athletes can all use 3-days splits. Work on training heavy for the first train for every exercise, go to failure and attempt to increase weight from the earlier session or no much less than repetitions. Make certain you warm-up correctly for the train (progress to heavier weights). Get at least 3-4 minutes relaxation between work sets (less needed for warm-up sets). Work on coaching heavy for the first train for every exercise, go to failure and attempt to increase weight from the earlier session, or a minimum of repetitions.
Nonetheless, as you reach the age of thirty, your testosterone production begins to taper off. Unless you’re regularly training onerous in the fitness center, watching what you eat, using the best dietary supplements, and main an all-round wholesome way of life. If not, then chances are the sturdy and muscular ‘you’ will slowly fade away. The objective of this 12-week workout plan is to take you out of your current state of health to a stronger, leaner, and extra athletic you.
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